Tuesday 24 November 2015

Termination of Unwanted Pregnancy, Abortion Clinic, Abortion Pill +2776 731 2217

We all make mistakes or find ourselves in a situation where we have a pregnancy that we are not ready to go through with. It is an unwanted pregnancy. We have a choice to keep it and deal with the consequences or to terminate.

If termination is the decision you have come up to, then we can assist. It is very critical to decide whichever route you want to take because time is not on your side.

Early Termination of Pregnancy: +2776 731 2217

Termination is legal in South Africa as long as you do it early. The more you wait the more difficult it will get in terms of method and the law involved. But if you decide early the law is on your side and you do not need any permission whether you are young or old.

You do not need permission from any person if you want to terminate. It is you who is pregnant to decide and you can legally go ahead without getting permission from any one.

Methods of Termination:

There's definitely more than one way to end an unwanted pregnancy, especially when it is an early in pregnancy. The earlier the pregnancy is, the better the chances that you will end it easily and safely.

The most common method of termination is the Pill. It is actually not one pill but a dose that your doctor will explain to you how it is taken.

It is very critical to follow the instructions of taking the pills otherwise it will not succeed. The pill also works best if a woman is 14 weeks and below.

There is also the surgical method where the featus or pregnancy tissue is scraped out or sucked from your uterus.

Success of Early Termination:

Early termination is easy to deal with and is often very successful regardless the method used.

It is very rare to experience any complication and more often than not you will fall pregnant the month after termination of you do not practice safe sex.

Do you want to terminate?

If you want to terminate:

Call or Whatsapp: +2776 731 2217
email: markjim360@gmail.com

After an Abortion Do & Don'ts

Most women feel ok very quickly after an abortion. But is important to know a few things.  What can you do, to take care of yourself afterwards as you recover? What about fertility? How soon could you possibly get pregnant again?

On taking care of yourself - Basic things you can do:

  1. Drink lots of fluids
  2. Do not do any physical work after abortion. Relax.
  3. Take vitamins, eat healthy food, and try to sleep

  4. Take the antibiotics prescribed by your doctor right away, and for the full amount of days prescribed!
  5. No exercise for two weeks
  6. No swimming or tub baths for 2 weeks
  7. Don't lift anything over 15 pounds for two weeks, don't use ANYTHING vaginally for 2-4 weeks - no sex, no tampons, no douches.
  8. You can ovulate as soon as two weeks after an abortion, which means yes, you could get pregnant again within two weeks after an abortion!
  9. After the 2-4 weeks is over, you should NOT have sex again unless you feel physically recovered, and have discussed with your partner what you want to do if an unplanned pregnancy occurs again. Do NOT let yourself be pressured into having sex again before you are physically and emotionally ready, and have had a serious discussion about the course of action for future unplanned pregnancies. You can get pregnant as soon as two weeks after an abortion! Your body normally will go back to it's regular cycle, and release an egg (ovulation) at 2 weeks post-ab. So once you decide you are ready to resume sexual intercourse again, make sure you are using birth control right away. As many of us know, birth control is NOT 100% effective. So it's very important that you don't have sex again until you are healed physically and emotionally, and you have a clear consensus on what will happen if you become unexpectedly pregnant again.  

      If you want to terminate please call or email

Call or Whatsapp: +2776 731 2217

email: markjim360@gmail.com